Building Dreams: iUrban Teen’s Impactful Habitat for Humanity Service Day

Check us out! Here’s a glimpse of iUrban Teen participants in action at our recent Community Service Day hosted at the Habitat for Humanity Evergreen construction site. Together, we contributed our efforts to the development of not just one, but three homes Habitat is building within a single cul-de-sac area.

The impact of our volunteers’ dedication was profound. Thanks to your hard work, the dream of homeownership is becoming a reality for nine families set to move into Johnson Village. Each hour volunteered translates to $29.95 of full-time labor, significantly contributing to creating affordable housing opportunities in partnership with Evergreen Habitat for Humanity.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue making a difference. Mark your calendars for upcoming Community Service Days: January 27th at the FISH Pantry, and February 10th at the Habitat ReSale Shop, open to middle and high school students. Plus, stay tuned for another Habitat construction date tailored for older students in March-April.

Together, iUrban Teen Vancouver, WA and our super volunteers are shaping communities and empowering dreams through meaningful service and dedicated action!

