iUrban Teen – Seattle Metro
Seattle Chapter
The iUrban Teen Seattle Chapter exists both to influence and support the mission and vision of the iUrban Teen program. This chapter launched in 2013 and continues to bring cutting-edge training and career exposure to our students and families. The Seattle Metro programs reach as far north as Everett and south to Tacoma. Our team consists of the dynamic individuals listed below.
Seattle Executive Advisory Group
William Dunbar
Kim Gould
Engineering Consultant
Ross Smith
Director, Microsoft
Jordan Horton
Manager – Voice of the Consumer, Nintendo
Corinne Mossman
Vice President, Windemere

University Partners
Lake Washington Institute
of Technology is a workforce
college located in Kirkland, Washington.
University Partners

The University of Washington Bothell
is a private not-for-profit institution
of higher learning based in Seattle,
Sponsors & Training Partners